Ryan Adams2.5/5. The very definition of yallternative. Don’t love the music and I think Ryan Adams is a piece of shit human being.
2.5/5. The very definition of yallternative. Don’t love the music and I think Ryan Adams is a piece of shit human being.
4.5/5. Genre defining record with samples and politically charged lyrics that remain relevant to this day.
One deserves a medal for listening to this piece of shite all the way through. How the fuck is Kid Rock on this list over Weezer or Neutral Milk Hotel? Travesty.
Every male be acting like this album cover come autumn/early winter.
Lauren Mayberry has such a cute posh Scottish accent. This album is definitely a modern classic in both Scottish music and synth pop.
3.5/5. Felt more fast paced than the other funky album, which is pretty groovy. Every album should have a 13 minute song called “Sex Machine” from now on.
Life on Mars is one of the greatest songs of all time and Queen Bitch invented glam rock.
The beginning of Bob Dylan’s controversial shift from folk to rock music, also happens to be the best era of his long and celebrated career. Such an incredible lyricist, no doubt one of the most groundbreaking albums of the 1960s.
3.5/5. Only Happy When It Rains and Stupid Girl are obvious standouts.
3.5/5. Forgot this band existed, first heard about them from 500 Days of Summer. Pretty solid.
4.5/5. This is some really great stuff, the working class are the only people that have made good music from Britain #hottake
Mixing jazz with rap was a good call.
3.5/5. Shoutout Sweden.
Britpop revival when?
Sad boi Beck.
Shoutout Kendrick Lamar.
4.5/5. It's Illmatic.
The whole premise of the titular song is about wanting to bone your best friend’s wife. I fucking hate Eric Clapton but I do think Layla is a decent song, the other assorted love songs are whatever.
4.5/5. Now THIS is what I call music.
3.5/5. A bit self-indulgent, it seems like every one of these artists has this need to make a double album to prove themselves. The results can be mixed.
I have a feeling that Vampire Weekend were big fans of this record.
First album that I couldn't listen to on Spotify (thanks Joe Rogan).
3.5/5. RIP Chester.
I prefer his son's music.
Why do I even waste my time, it’s too long and too shit. The most uninteresting sub-genre of rock that nearly killed the movement, it’s stale and soulless and there isn’t any notion of creativity whatsoever. Stupid fucking toxic male energy, how could you possibly call a homophobic back and forth exchange with Fred Durst a good song?
Strong debut for the godfathers of punk but there are some duds here and there. We Will Fall is 7 minutes too long and besides No Fun, side B is a bit lacking.
Loved listening to Eminem in my jr. high days, it feels and sounds as edgy and shocking as it did back in the day. The production is nearly flawless (especially on songs like Stan and The Real Slim Shady). Nearly gave this album 5/5 but I'm reminded of how blatantly homophobic and misogynistic hip hop was (and still is).
Fuck Morrissey, long live Johnny Marr.
4.5/5. I love that Alex Turner lad.
3.5/5. Aerosmith are good to listen to when you just want a dumb fun time. I have fond memories of Young Lust from that Flaming Moe episode of the Simpsons.
I love punk.
4.5/5. According to Patrick Star, to be a man means to acquire a taste for free form jazz. I am a man.
4.5/5. I prefer late stage LSD era Beatles but boy band Beatles still slaps.
Wham bam thank you ma'am!
I hate Van Morrison and his music is overrated.
4.5/5. Listening to this album definitely makes you feel like you're spiralling in a downwards direction, but in a good way. There's a lot of care and attention to detail given to the production and the sampling is in top form, this record really separates itself from all the other 90s alternative rock stuff.
4.5/5. Only QOTSA album that I haven’t listened to yet, amazing.
Ah yes, the American Beatles.
Definitely grew on me over the years. Going from OK Computer to this album felt incredibly jarring, in retrospect it was a cultural reset.
4.5/5. Controversies aside with their lead singer, this record is one of the most important indie rock albums of all time.
3.5/5. Prog rock albums are really damn long.
4.5/5. Amazing contribution to the post-punk revival movement, shoutout Sweden.
3.5/5. Shoutout Edmonton!
4.5/5. Really incredible work, the song transitions flow so seamlessly.
4.5/5. Up until now, the only album that I've listened to by this artist was Pink Moon, which is excellent in its own right. I don't think there's anybody that does melancholy quite as well as Nick Drake.
3.5/5. Who would’ve thought that Chef from South Park was so musically gifted.
Canadian icon, Joni feels like one of those artists who strive to never make the same album twice. Obligatory fuck Joe Rogan.
It's a nice blend of dream pop and indie rock that's not overly conventional yet still palatable to mainstream ears.
4.5/5. If hangxiety was an album. Deep, somber, sometimes funny, and tons of self-reflection. Thundercat does a great job slappin da bass. Little disappointed that Mac Miller's feature was left off the track list.
3.5/5. Proto britpop.
She was a teenager when this was released, really impressive songwriting.
90s indie lo-fi classic, Here is one of the best songs ever written.
3.5/5. Weird but fun listen, interesting lyrics.
4.5/5. Today I learned that Carole King wrote You've Got a Friend AND the Gilmore Girls theme song.
Gangsta rap that's loaded with self reflection and vulnerability.
It’s arguably one of the most influential debut albums of all time and gave rock music a much needed revival. Definitely one of my favourites.
This one has been on my list for a long time. Very weird but the combination of Waits' signature snarl, lyrics about the "urban dispossessed" and bold experimentation is a winning formula.
Bit too long but not bad for a bunch of teenagers at the time.
Elvis did his army duty and then had a nice lil comeback, much like the K-pop stars of today.
3.5/5. No way this is a random generator If I’m getting this album on Christmas Day.
The Stones perfected their craft when they decided to ditch the psychedelic sound of the late mid to late 60s for blues and hard rock. I love this record, it is perfect in every way.
3.5/5. Bit too experimental and eccentric for me but it's still respectable.
4.5/5. Never knew this even existed. It's rich in its instrumentation and definitely sounds like a record from the 60s, would've blown everyone's mind back then. Wilson is an incredibly talented musician and I'm just happy that he was able to move on from his past trauma enough to fully realize his vision from decades ago.
Shame that the full album isn’t on Spotify.
Blur ditched their Britpop roots for some indie rock.
Back to back Blur albums, Britpop sound on full display here.
3.5/5. Hank von Helvete is a cool name but the band name is awful, why did they decide on that? There’s a huge difference between being provocative and racist.
3.5/5. Nile Rodgers is a very talented individual.
First time listening to a Bruce album from the 2000s all the way through and was not disappointed one bit.
Obligatory fuck Joe Rogan. This album is a classic and songs like Old Man and Heart of Gold always bring a tear to my eye.
Very challenging album, I know it’s meant to be purposely bad but some segments are downright unlistenable.
Jim Morrison was a self-absorbed arrogant prick but this album has some stellar bluesy tracks.
Musicians from northern England are the most egoistical cunts to grace the industry but damn do they produce some fine music.
Celtic punk is awesome and this album just so happens to have the best Christmas song ever written (barring the second verse).
3.5/5. The last quarter is a bit too experimental for my liking, cream cheese…
3.5/5. Nowhere near as good as pre-Smile Beach Boys.
First time hearing this album all the way through, much more polished than his previous work but still an impressive showcase of his artistry.
3.5/5. Very influential in the hip hop genre but perhaps a bit before my time.
4.5/5. New Order for the millennial. This band makes me feel some type of way but I can never put it into words. Perhaps nostalgia or the anxious feeling of wasting my 20s.
Lead singer is not a good person but if we separate the art from the artist, this album is perfect. They recorded most of it in a church and the sounds of the pipe organ juxtaposed to cautious lyrics about religion is executed brilliantly. It’s the best Canadian album about how fucked up America is.
This was unexpectedly awesome, never judge an album by its cover.
It was a good idea for Beyonce to leave this group.
The real heroes on that Paul Simon album.
4.5/5. Björk has to be one of the most unique and innovative artists out there. This record is a fun experimental deconstruction of pop music.
4.5/5. Not my favourite record from the Boss but it's part of his fantastic canon from the late 70s to mid 80s, undeniably a classic.
Incredible album, seminal and genre defining pop punk record.
So that's why they call him the King.
4.5/5. He’s not a good person and has lots of issues but to separate the art from the artist, it’s a very special album and I love the minimalistic approach. His sampling is so unique and creative, totally dig the industrial influence too. This Kanye era was something else before he sadly lost his mind.
Would call them a rap supergroup but this was before the members had successful solo careers. Very influential in the genre but like most hip hop albums from its time, the skits are ridiculously stupid and cringeworthy. Glad they’re mostly a thing of the past.
4.5/5. Every hip hop fan definitely MUST listen to this album before they die, 40 songs in total but was left wanting more at the end. Speakerboxxx is more straightforward with a consistent southern rap sound with typical beats. I like the experimentation in The Love Below.
3.5/5. Politically charged lyrics, not my favourite post-punk album from this era though.
Easily the most important blue eyed soul album of the 21st century, paved the way for artists like Adele. Rest easy Amy.
4.5/5. Lives up to its title, deeply influential in the punk scene. TV Eye is my favourite song on this one, especially its explosive opening. Much like their debut however, side two just isn’t as strong as side one.
3.5/5. Didn’t even know the Bee Gees had a pre-70s era.
4.5/5. Everybody not wanting to cancel Kanye because he made Graduation but if there was an album that saves him, it’s this one. A strong debut that puts Kanye’s groundbreaking production and samples on full display. It singlehanded elevated the relevance of alternative hip hop and marked the shift of mainstream hip hop from shitty pseudo gangsta rap towards emotional and socially conscious lyrics.
3.5/5. Lives up to its title at least.
3.5/5. Shoutout Norway.
The way that he captures melancholy in his lyrics is unmatched and he certainly had a natural talent for the guitar, his choice of tuning is as strange as it is fascinating. Nick Drake was the textbook example of tortured artist, gone too soon but I’m deeply grateful to be able to listen to such a profound work of art in this lifetime.
The album that kick started the Boss’ streak of near perfect records. Songs that make me wanna hop in my ‘69 Chevy and leave my small hometown to discover the American dream.
3.5/5. Horrible cover art but has a song from Shrek.
A staple in the East coast hip hop scene. Interesting choice to use soul samples but it paid off in the long run. The lyrics and raw production are a reflection of the hard times experienced by the Wu-Tang members growing up in a harsh urban NYC environment.
4.5/5. I’ve listened to bands within the same genre but never got into the National during their peak. What a mistake that was, this is some incredible indie rock.
2.5/5. The very definition of yallternative. Don’t love the music and I think Ryan Adams is a piece of shit human being.
4.5/5. So fun to listen to while high.
Today I learned that the song No Sleep till Brooklyn is a nod to the title of this album.
What a unique voice.
David Byrne can take me to the river any time he wants.
4.5/5. Wanted to rate this using 🐘 but you can’t cut an elephant in half. Oh well 🐘
Such an indie kid record. The intro especially makes me feel some type of way.
4.5/5. Genre defining record with samples and politically charged lyrics that remain relevant to this day.
3.5/5. This album has no right to be this decent from a group that calls themselves the Soft Boys.
No pretensions with this one, just 15 straight minutes of DIY hardcore punk.
Mostly filled with covers but it's a fine parting gift from the Man in Black in his final years.
3.5/5. Can imagine this record being all the rage during the height of Britpop but feels a bit forgettable now. There She Goes will forever be a banger though.
4.5/5. I’m just so happy that I get to experience such a talented musician like Nick Cave in this lifetime.
No question that this record is one of the greatest punk albums of all time.
Robert Smith considers this one of his favourite albums and I trust his judgment. The combination of punk rock and keyboards set forth the new wave movement that would dominated the UK in the late 70s and early 80s. Peaches is such a banger.
3.5/5. A record and band that’s been lost to the passage of time.
Rest in peace, king.
3.5/5. Never would’ve guessed that I’d be listening to South African jazz.
3.5/5. I can say with great certainty that jazz fusion is at least better than fusion cuisine.
4.5/5. One of the most underrated and influential hip hop albums of all time. Who knew how much of an impact three white guys from Brooklyn could have on the genre. The multilayered samples were so far ahead of their time.
2.5/5. Not a good use of my time.
It's a fairly solid record, perhaps a tad too long but felt engaged the whole way through.
4.5/5. Indie kid music at its peak.
4.5/5. If we’re separating the artist from their art, this record was groundbreaking for its time. Talk about capturing the 80s zeitgeist. Hard not to give it a high score when you hear songs like Beat It and Billie Jean.
Obligatory I hate Morrissey. Used to quote lyrics from this album with my mate all the time. Anything from “spineless swines, cemented minds” to “it’s too close to home and it’s too near the bone”. The cover art always intrigued me, still is from a decent Vietnam War documentary.
4.5/5. Once considered my favourite band of all time.
Right up my indie alley.
Violent Femmes walked so the Front Bottoms could run.
A concept album about a couple's tragic descent into drug addiction, Lou Reed never shied away from taboo topics of his era and I respect him immensely for that.
4.5/5. Interesting cover art from a big band act, I wonder how the American public viewed nuclear bombs in the 1950s.
3.5/5. Machito Machito Machitoooooo.
4.5/5. This prog rock concept album is something else, the guitar work is exceptional.
3.5/5. Very difficult lead singer but as it turned out he had Asperger’s. It’s a fairly solid record but nothing groundbreaking nor innovative in its genre, somewhat forgotten record and band.
This album is a bop and goes hard, some might even call it a… Hard bop.
The Girl from Ipanema might be one of the most iconic songs of all time.
4.5/5. What an incredible album, can’t believe that the record label were unhappy with the end result of this early 2000s masterpiece. Jesus, Etc. is one of the most beautiful songs ever written and I can’t count the number of times that it’s made me cry.
GNR are an overrated band but it’s difficult to deny the significance of this record, a debut no less. Lots of bangers that still hold up to this day.
Beck is one eclectic motherfucker.
I ain’t ever heard anything like this but I think I liked it.
Second album that features The Girl From Ipanema.
Did these guys walk so that Daft Punk could run?
From thrash metal to trash metal, am I right? Call them sellouts if you want but it's undeniable that this cemented Metallica as bona fide rock stars with catchy singles fit for radio play. Shoutout to Biffy Clyro for having the best cover (Holier than Thou) on the tribute album.
3.5/5. I hate it when tank machine armadillos start waging solo warfare.
3.5/5. You’re twisting my melon man!
4.5/5. As I get older the less and less I like the Sex Pistols, there were a myriad of other great British punk artists that were overshadowed by these provocateurs. That said, it’s a historically significant record and spearheaded the punk movement in Britain.
4.5/5. Her music is like that quirky girl in school that you’re strangely attracted to.
3.5/5. So I suppose this is proto-Britpop.
I prefer Finnish tango.
4.5/5. Well this is just simply a classic.
2.5/5. I almost wanted to play this album in a private session because I don’t want any presence of this slimy bastard on my Spotify. It’s fitting that they got him to play an even bigger scumbag than Zuck in the Social Network. He ruined Janet Jackson’s career and reputation all because he wanted to get back at his ex and did not get nearly as much flack because he’s a man. Half star is for Pharrell Williams.
Not a single skip, this album is a masterpiece and essential listening for any music fan. The riffs, the vocals, the drumming, everything is in top form. It's a mosaic of eight stellar tracks that put their talents on full display.
4.5/5. It’s moments like this that make me so thankful that this project exists, been meaning to check out this album for a long while. I love Billy Joel’s observational songwriting, Vienna is a song that every young person needs to hear. There's just something so poetic about including an accordion solo in a song titled after a German-speaking city.
4.5/5. This will give me the cred that I need to talk to that hipster girl. Geddy Lee loves this album so you know it’s a good one.
This is a benchmark for live albums.
Their masterpiece, words cannot even begin to describe how much this album means to me. It’s the perfect conclusion to their incredible streak of excellent records since the late 60s. It almost feels like a history lesson in rock n roll music with the number of influential genres that they seamlessly incorporated. Not a single minute is wasted, it’s quintessential listening.
All my homies love Steely Dan.
Shoutout JoJo.
Life changing, alternative music that would go on to define the century that soon followed. Paranoid Android is a millennial anthem, can’t count the number of times I’ve cried to the beauty of Let Down on the train, and No Surprises depresses me in all the right ways.
4.5/5. It’s the legend himself, I’ve only listened to a handful of his most popular songs but this is obviously a classic. Such a sad tragedy, what could’ve been if the day the music died never happened.
4.5/5. I didn’t know what to expect from this one, pleasantly surprised. Hard to define what genre this falls under but I suppose that’s part of the charm.
3.5/5. Such mixed feelings about this artist, dude would still be alive today if it wasn’t for his dumbass views on COVID.
I fucking love Oasis and I fucking love this album, one of the best debuts of all time by a long shot.
4.5/5. Name a more iconic duo, I’ll wait.
Wanna cry to the OG sad boi with me? An extremely influential artist for many of my favourite singer songwriters, it’s all melancholy with lyrics and unique guitar work to back it up. Angeles is the best track, one of the most beautiful and heart wrenching songs ever written.
It’s my least listened to album of Dylan’s so called rock trilogy as it’s the longest entry, but not a single minute is wasted. Great record.
What’s there to even say? It’s the Beatles. This is the third record in a row that I’ve rated 5/5 so it’s been a good week.
4.5/5. I ask myself this question with every band from the 21st century, why the hell did it take me so long to listen to this album? This record is no different.
So after the success of Rumours, Fleetwood Mac resolved to make their next album sound nothing like it.
This is the most random entry yet.
Needless to say, this is a very influential album from a very important band.
I think it's cute that this album has been called the "coming out" record for Neil Tennant. It's not my preferred genre of music but I do understand the appeal of these boys of the pet shops.
4.5/5. Shoutout Spider-Man. Hip hop albums like this are just so fucking fun, cool and interesting. Nome of that pseudo gangsta shit of its time, only immaculate vibes. Unfortunately just like any rap record from this era, there’s at least one stupid skit about sex.
Is this the first instance of samples being used in contemporary music?
I truly believe that Queen isn’t really a band with particularly great albums but Bohemian Rhapsody is obviously a masterpiece.
Fuck Eric Clapton.
4.5/5. Simply incredible, seminal hip hop record with far reaching appeal that oozes cool and good vibes.
4.5/5. What an incredible and under appreciated band, the musicianship and songwriting is in peak form. The fact that they were banned from touring in America could’ve definitely been a huge blow to their best days, but the latter 60s emphasis on Britishness rather than commercials hits were quite influential on the Britpop movement and even American indie rock so perhaps it wasn’t so bad.
4.5/5. A Brit beating the Yanks at their own game.
Another Dylan record that I've never had the chance to listen to all the way through until now. Man is so good at what he does, genius songwriting that will speak to you in such a strange and profound way.
3.5/5. I’d rather listen to the Pixies.
It’s hard to deny the sheer greatness of these southern boys.
No offence to 50 but gangsta rap feels so bland compared to conscious and alternative hip hop.
So impressed that this was a debut album, truly one of the best. Songs that make me feel nostalgic towards a past that I did and never had.
The Buzzcocks walked so the Sex Pistols could run.
3.5/5. Alright but I fucking hate that Eric Clapton wanker.
Too many male manipulators on this site that can’t even acknowledge a legitimately good album by an incredibly talented artist.
Unfortunately, there’s only one good song on this album.
3.5/5. Hey these are the Me Gusta Tu dudes.
3.5/5. I don’t think I’m hipster enough to give it a ridiculously high rating. Still nice though, love me some shoegaze.
Sad and horny British lads have done it once again.
These bois just wanted to make blues music but the institutions in power wouldn’t let them. I’m happy they found a way.
This one time at my favourite nightclub, they played Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus which references Iron Maiden and the song that immediately followed was Run to the Hills. In that moment, the vibes were immaculate.
4.5/5. The weaker album in the tetralogy but that’s saying something.
The world was robbed of a great musician.
One of the greatest hip hop albums of all time. A gangster concept album that doesn’t glorify but condemns such a lifestyle. Kendrick is a master of observation and his powerful and poignant lyrics reflect this, it’s an incredible commentary on the Afro-American experience with themes ranging from drug abuse, alcoholism, sex, gang violence, toxic masculinity and police brutality.
Interesting that this hip hop group identified more with hippies than gangsters.
3.5/5. A concept album about an unlucky deadbeat who doesn’t always make good choices.
An insane number of bangers and bops. Nice mix of genres within rock music too.
This is what listening to Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream on repeat leads to, beautiful works of art. Pretty impressive final product for someone who was so high on cocaine at the time that they can’t even recall the making of this album. I don’t normally give perfect scores to albums that I’m not too familiar with but hell, Bowie the legend never ceases to amaze me. He had such a hilarious hatred towards LA where this album was recorded.
3.5/5. Primordial emo and math rock, seems like a fairly influential album and an early example of the emerging emo scene.
Arguably her best album and the one to cement her as the pop star of the century.
3.5/5. Obligatory fuck Eric Clapton, he's a racist asshole and yet has the audacity to cover a well known Bob Marley song on this record.
Lauren Mayberry has such a cute posh Scottish accent. This album is definitely a modern classic in both Scottish music and synth pop.
3.5/5. Post punk and alternative shit is awesome but even I have limits.
Might be one of the best live albums of all time, these guys were on the same level of the Beatles in Japan. The live version of I Want You to Want Me is 🔛🔝
It’s a rock album disguised as electronic music and the results are electrifying. Amazing stuff.
3.5/5. I have a feeling that this was a big influence on Sheffield native Alex Turner.
Two Weeks is the obvious standout but the rest of the album is pretty good.
So when you combine Indian music, Britpop and lots of weed you get pretty groovy shit. Most fittingly ends with a Punjabi cover of Norwegian Wood.
Bob Dylan picked a good backing band, still gotta see their Scorsese concert flick.
4.5/5. Incredible sophomore effort and one of my favourite breakup albums of all time.
I normally skip the electronic albums but decided to listen to this one since I’m familiar with the artist. It’s quality, Setting Sun which features Noel Gallagher and a Beatles sample is clearly the standout track.
Pleasantly surprised by this one, maybe one of the last hurrahs for gangsta rap before Yeezy overhauled the game.
4.5/5. The swan dress album, I wonder if it ever gets compared to Radiohead’s Kid A. Both records had a certain premonition of a forthcoming digitized world and it’s fully reflected in the sound.
She couldn’t belt it like she used to but still a lovely penultimate send off.
Leads with interest and ends in a bang. The End is one great long ass song, shoutout Apocalypse Now. Light My Fire is a highlight of the album as well.
The Cure but a bit scary.
So trashy but so good.
3.5/5. Not necessarily groundbreaking but it’s a fairly solid new wave record with an interesting soundscape.
3.5/5. There's no reason for an album like this to be over one hour long. Mostly impressed by the fact that their drummer is an amputee who never let his physical disabilities impair his playing ability, that's resiliency baby.
3.5/5. Nothing special but the lead guitarist would go on to become the guitarist for Nirvana and Foo Fighters.
Gangsta rap at its very peak, a masterpiece in the hip hop world.
Maybe the greatest punk album of all time. Rough and melodic, the ultimate proto pop punk record.
3.5/5. Some hippie shit, I can hardly recall the time that I thought boomers were cool.
4.5/5. My best mate reckons it’s one of Australia’s finest records and I’m inclined to agree. To think that these two cunts took 16 years to make another album after this one.
4.5/5. This is the good shit, almost insulting to consider this nu metal when it’s far superior to every band in that genre.
He kinda shoulda sorta woulda loved her if he could’ve, the story is getting closer to the end.
Wait a minute... Is that the That 70s Show song?
You walk into a bar alone at night smelling of whiskey and cigarettes vibes.
People who dislike krautrock are extremely lacking in taste.
Yeah sex is pretty cool but have you ever tried singing along to Girls & Boys or Parklife?
The highest achievement of alternative rock. It’s as eclectic and weird as it is philosophical and catchy, many popular rock bands from the 90s owe their success to this monumental record.
4.5/5. I know a lot more about jazz than I thought I did, quite a few recognizable melodies on this record.
4.5/5. Personality Crisis is a certified banger.
From punk to borderline pop rock, these ladies hustled.
I’ll never understand the hype for this band, it’s bland and lacks substance.
Everyone goes on about Dark Side of the Moon and the Wall (and rightfully so as they are both great albums) but this record is a slept on masterpiece.
My favourite coal miner’s daughter.
3.5/5. I guess what makes this record so essential is the fact that its heavily distorted blues sound would eventually lay the foundation for heavy metal.
This is as good as it gets for live albums, the fact that a handful of songs on here are more popular than the original versions is a testament to how phenomenal this record is. Would even go as far to say that they surpassed Bowie’s version of The Man Who Sold the World. I love how the songs are meant to be “unplugged” yet the guitar sound and effects were clearly running through an amp. That’s pretty forgivable especially when you find out that they filmed the show in a single take.
Contains the best 20 minute long song of all time. Also learned that Passage to Bangkok is about drug tourism.
Well it’s not the Smiths but it’ll do. Fuck Morrissey.
3.5/5. Emmylou Harris is queen.
Punk before punk was even a thing.
4.5/5. One of the most complete hip hop albums of all time, a tour de force in the industry.
Bon Scott lived quite a life, RIP.
4.5/5. RIP King :(
I can’t bring myself to give this a higher rating. Fuck this guy.
Every song tells its own little story, no matter how short. It’s such a goddamn loss to the musical world that Neil Young removed all his music from Spotify, I understand his morals and convictions but making masterpieces like this more inaccessible is criminal. Fuck Joe Rogan.
Pretty bold to do glam rock in the early 2000s.
This is one of the cutest albums ever, so much joy and tenderness.
4.5/5. Wanna cry? Dude made an album for his fans two days before his own death, what a sweet parting gift. Fascinating that Kendrick Lamar and Death Grips of all people had a large influence on this record.
4.5/5. So this is where all rock music branches from.
3.5/5. His son is my favourite nepo baby.
Changed my life, this is the peak of 90s alternative rock.
I don't have any evidence to back this up but I blame this dude for influencing Alex Turner to sing the way that he does now.
How the hell does an album like this make the list and not anything by Weezer?
Spirit desire, we will fall. An album that starts off with a groundbreaking song followed by pretty good and decent songs. Besides the first track, individually the songs don't feel as strong unless you listen to the entire record in one sitting.
3.5/5. Some songs sound like Black Betty if it were written in the mid 2000s.
3.5/5. It’s like a water downed Cormac McCarthy novel.
3.5/5. OG indie rock.
They got weird in all the right ways after shifting their focus from touring to the studio. They really went from a boy band to artists of the avant garde and crafted this experimentally wild soundscape.
4.5/5. The Stones rode the swinging London wave to such great heights.
4.5/5. Cant say it’s my favourite album by them but There, There is a standout song in their entire catalogue.
3.5/5. You can kinda tell who wrote which song in Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young when you listen to their solo stuff.
3.5/5. These dudes are stuck in the 60s.
4.5/5. Beep boop beep!
3.5/5. The album for all the pretentious wankers of the world. The musical arrangements are sound but the concept is some weird retelling of Lolita.
4.5/5. Now this is the good shit, rest easy Kurt. Grunge was short lived but remains an influential staple in rock music. Too melodic to stay underground yet too alternative to fit into the mainstream mould, the 90s were the perfect time for the genre to blow up.
The sweetest and most wistful indie pop band that makes you enjoy the simplest pleasures in life. The Nick Drake and Smiths influence with that touch of Scottish softness is a beautiful combination.
4.5/5. Doolittle is my clear Pixies favourite but this one is just as weird and awesome. Gigantic and Where Is My Mind have a memorable place in alternative rock history.
I have banana album on a T-shirt. Masterpiece and deeply influential, the bands that this record created.
Pleased to meet you, hope you guessed my name. The album that began their shift to blues and an incredible streak of amazing records.
Her time was short but hell, she made the most of it with her music. Rest easy, Queen.
Shoegaze supremacy.
3.5/5. This is falsely advertised because it’s not just music for airports but also for studying and falling asleep.
Fantastic, wish they used the spliff cover art.
Shoutout Guitar Hero. Was surprised to hear a West Side Story song on this record.
Meaningful music.
3.5/5. Solid but wouldn’t call it a landmark hip hop album, pales in comparison to Wu Tang’s catalogue. Raekwon is a certified g though, can’t take that away from him.
3.5/5. Max Martin is a legend.
3.5/5. I still prefer his son's short career but it's not hard to tell that the musical talent runs in the family.
Perfect in every way. Desolation Row is my favourite long ass song.
4.5/5. Fuck yes, the one and only man in black.
After Hours is the introvert’s anthem.
3.5/5. Not my cup of tea but the circumstances to get this album made is wild, dude ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after falling out of a window while shitfaced.
4.5/5. A staple in progressive rock history. 21st Century Schizoid Man is a feat unto itself, love it even more now that I know it’s meant to be an anti-Vietnam War song.
Shame it’s not fully on Spotify, very influential in punk music history. Shoutout No Dogs in Space.
As advertised, it was indeed entertaining.
One of the bands that began a long lasting love for this genre, indie sleaze. Perfect in every way, Can’t Stand Me Now is one of my favourite songs of all time.
One deserves a medal for listening to this piece of shite all the way through. How the fuck is Kid Rock on this list over Weezer or Neutral Milk Hotel? Travesty.
Bands from Northern England always have the biggest egos. Joking aside, the Killing Moon has had a big impact on my life.
Discount Beastie Boys.
4.5/5. The biggest what if in music history.
4.5/5. King shit, influential, genre defining.
3.5/5. Keep your expectations low and you’ll never be disappointed, actually wasn’t that bad. I do wonder about which demographic this music is aimed for. Guess it doesn’t matter.
21st century albums have a great reputation on this list, especially from the 2010s.
3.5/5. I’m no fan of the cover art but I get what they were trying to go for with the concept.
Kate Bush cameo.
Imagine what American christians initially thought about this satanic shit. British people in the other hand were probably like hehe heavy metal 🤘👀
3.5/5. Early discount Nick Drake.
4.5/5. My best friend who grew up in a small rural town loves this album. I’m inclined to say I love it too, almost as much as I love her.
Underrated and under appreciated, he was more than just a novelty songwriter.
Modern fucking masterpiece. Got me back into rap when it was first released, such a genius move to incorporate jazz. Socially conscious and forever relevant.
4.5/5. Frankie Sinatra is too slick.
4.5/5. PJ Harvey is just too damn cool, shoutout the Thom Yorke cameo.
3.5/5. I wanna call early Pink Floyd mid but I can’t help but feel pity and sympathy toward Syd Barrett.
We can be heroes, just for one day…
Smash or pass? I’d smash.
Relevant now with the Drake vs. Kendrick beef, relevant then with that hilariously absurd Simpsons reference.
3.5/5. This list is far too oversaturated with this dude.
4.5/5. This is a fucking punk rock epic.
4.5/5. The Big Ship is a song that will change your life, incredible textures and soundscape from such a genius. This dude understands music.
This was so much better than I had anticipated, punk in its truest form. Frankie Teardrop is such a wild and frightening experience of a song.
4.5/5. The fact that the user rating is below 3 stars on this record is fucking criminal. How could you possibly think some vanilla ass boomer shit is better than this? Slay queen. Dumb asses wishing they were stuck in their 20 somethings still.
4.5/5. Early pop punk was so much fun, Teenage Kicks is truly an anthem in its own right.
4.5/5. Never listened to any tracks from this album before and it only took the first three songs to get me hooked.
Coldplay is a bit mid but this album is as good as it gets for them.
3.5/5. Was pleasantly surprised by this one, they were on Domino Records which is a pretty reliable label in terms of quality. They also broke up because one of the members had SA allegations thrown against him, that obviously taints their image for me.
Canadian legends, words cannot express how much I love this band. Perhaps the most talented trio in the history of music.
Every male be acting like this album cover come autumn/early winter.
4.5/5. Take me back to the shack.
4.5/5. A beautiful fusion of grunge and heavy metal, Layne Staley is one of the most tragic figures in rock history.
3.5/5. Fuck Morrissey.
If this band has no fans I am dead.
2.5/5. A soundtrack for a film that doesn’t exist. It’s an idea but this record is forgettable, I honestly couldn’t wait for this to be over.
Radiohead influenced all of these early to mid 2000s falsetto loving British alternative bands. Unfortunately, they all fall a bit short of the OGs.
3.5/5. Anyone who takes his solo work over the Smiths either doesn't exist or is beyond delusional. It's not terrible music but it's missing that indie pop flavour that only Johnny Marr can produce. Some of the lyrics are a bit sussy with far-right undertones? Maybe he's being ironic or maybe he was always a right wing, racist nut.
3.5/5. Nothing revolutionary but there are 3 tracks on here that are certified bangers and deservedly continue to receive airplay on your favourite classic rock stations.
3.5/5. Seriously, this better be the last Morrissey album that comes up.
Shoutout the Jungle Book.
I suggest you give them the funk.
3.5/5. Kicks is a cool and weird song, anti drug message during one of the subculture’s peaks.
The album that led the Kinks to just say fuck it, let’s start making albums that appeal to only British people.
3.5/5. The Rolling Stones were so wrong with the royalty thing, sucked this band bone dry. Glad it was eventually made right.
3.5/5. Portishead III.
Not terrible but the influence of drugs do help.
Modern masterpiece, hate the man but will always remember his incredible output during his prime.
4.5/5. Honestly one of the wildest and most consequential live performances in this genius’ career. Imagine getting called Judas all because you pulled out an electric guitar. Disappointing that they left out the heckling and Dylan’s iconic responses.
3.5/5. Struggling to decide whether I think it’s an ambitious display of talent or a silly gimmick. Its scope is tantalizing but there’s so much damn filler, it’s essentially a triple album.
Well it’s about damn time this album came up. My dad’s favourite record, will always have a special place in my heart. It’s perfect barring the fact that Silver Springs was left off the original LP.
Bunch of dorks from New York thinking they can make music (they can). Need to rewatch the Graduate.
3.5/5. Pretty cool when Oilers fans were belting Livin on a Prayer in unison right before the Oilers scored a goal.
4.5/5. Naturally, Yoko Ono doesn’t exist to me but it is a great record. Lennon didn’t have much writing input on Let It Be because he was saving his best for this.
4.5/5. I watched a pretty funny tik tok today with Sabotage in the background so this is fate. I’m just so impressed that three white middle class kids from New York had such a big impact on hip hop while maintaining their punk DIY aesthetic. The music video for Sabotage is decade defining fun and mayhem.
Shoutout Rush Hour.
4.5/5. There are lots of artists that I think are over represented on this list but the Kinks are definitely not one of them. I’ll never tire of their incredible records. America’s a third world country for banning these good British bois in the late 60s (they fought constantly on tour and punched an influential Yank cunt for calling them communists).
4.5/5. Perfect Day is the last song I wanna hear before I overdose on heroin.
4.5/5. Welcome to your life.
Got this one just shortly after Steven Tyler announced his retirement from touring, good timing.
American Pie is a once in a lifetime song, unfortunately it’s also the first of the album so feels a bit top heavy.
4.5/5. No one let the quiet Beatle cook and then he goes on to produce and make arguably the best solo record of the foursome.
Masterpiece, gay boi art at its finest. When will this fucking twink release another album? Pyramids is an incredible testament to his writing and creativity. Thinking Bout You makes me cry. So many bangers!
4.5/5. So good, can’t believe they made an entire cinematic universe based off one song.
Bluesy and cool as fuck.
4.5/5. Robert Smith is the greatest person to ever live, ask Jesus. Disintegration is the best album ever!
Even the Wikipedia article on this record is so pretentious. I’ll give it a good rating though because With or Without You is a banger.
3.5/5. Decent but as far as 70s double albums go, you can't top George Harrison's masterpiece.
She sampled/covered that “pass the dutchy” song.
3.5/5. I like the ambition.
3.5/5. Hey wanna listen to Bad Company on Bad Company by Bad Company?
4.5/5. Proto male manipulator music.
4.5/5. Took them 22 years to release another album but man was it worth the wait.
Fucking finally. Well what can I say, one of my favourite records from my favourite foursome (no offence to the Beatles). So influential that it arguably jump started the indie sleaze movement. It’s a concept album about those awkward years after graduating high school, you’re out clubbing and drinking every night, meeting new people and losing some along the way. It’s an incredible journey with great hooks and observant yet thoughtful lyrics. People are still begging them to go back to this style of music, that’s how good it is.
3.5/5. Last track is titled "Is This Music?" and I am happy to say yes it is, pretty decent too.
4.5/5. Excellent concept, love the way the songs blend together.
3.5/5. There’s a lot of influential albums out there but is anyone going around calling Queen Latifah their favourite artist?
This man has not one but two acclaimed live albums filmed and recorded in a prison.
3.5/5. You just know Richard Feynman probably dug this shit.
How do you even explain this one to a first time listener. It definitely sounds and feels like some euphoric drug trance.
Carried hard by one particular song but overall a pretty fine record.
Listened to this during a very bad hangover and it was not the right move.
3.5/5. Shoutout Austin.
4.5/5. I just love the lead single so much. Shocked to learn that Paul recorded this one in Nigeria thinking it was some glamorous paradise. It feels so great to celebrate some quality post-Beatles work from one of the four boys.
We’re all Aladdin Sane. Nearly every Bowie album is five stars for me dawg.
3.5/5. Conscious hip hop before Kendrick stepped up, it’s not bad but we got better hip hop records down the line.
3.5/5. Stupid sexy Rod Stewart!
4.5/5. Dancing Queen is a certified banger but what the hell is that first track?
Awww hell yeah, the boss himself. Once dressed up as the album cover for Halloween. Born in the USA is awfully misunderstood, Springsteen is a patriot but not in the blind nationalism way.
Aimee Mann is such a strong songwriter with pop sensibilities, this is really good. I'll fight anyone who is mean to her.
Dude was so unwell, would make such a crazy double listen with Wish You Were Here. Such a sad tale really, like what the hell happened to this poor dude?
3.5/5. This dude married 27 wives, was extremely critical of the Nigerian military which might’ve led to his mother’s murder.
Proto-grunge hell yeah. Fuck Joe Rogan.
First heard Game of Pricks on the IT Crowd and it altered my brain chemistry. It’s beyond impressive the prolific songwriting career that Robert Pollard has had.
3.5/5. George Harrison heard this once and made it his whole personality for the rest of his life, pretty cool. Partially a how to on approaching these non-western sounds.
3.5/5. Were you slade or were you slayed?
Well this was unnerving.
I respect the DIY nature and spirit of punk music.
Why these fuckers use the album name of an already well known record.
4.5/5. They should have never gave you fuckers art, if y’all can’t appreciate it.
4.5/5. Feels odd to give a Beatles record anything less than 5 stars. They still had a long way to go from their days of going yeah yeah yeah before they changed music forever. Is this what One Direction could’ve been had they stayed together?
This is the best fake live album ever made.
Shoutout School of Rock, Better Call Saul and annoying music shop employees and guitar teachers.
Haha this can’t be a coincidence. Americans are great at self implosion, fuck Trump.
4.5/5. Definitely a great album but not their best as much as the band members like to think so. It was a bold effort of them to try and break away from their jangle pop sound, would have been fascinating to see how their music would have evolved had they stayed together.
Socialist folk punk, very cool!
4.5/5. Oh Joni.
4.5/5. Pissing on a monolith is pretty rock n roll I guess.
George Jones was part of the Nashville country music establishment but his personal life and troubles have him pegged as a good ol outlaw. I was prepared to only give this 3.5 stars because outlaw country is king in my house but his voice is so soothing, like the gold standard of country music.
4.5/5. These three white boys from Brooklyn are so much fun.
3.5/5. Not my genre but I respect the game.
Okay not bad at all you hippies.
With a face like that, how can you rate it any less?
Not too shabby for one of my least favourite genres.
Truly was the golden age of gangsta rap, put the west coast and CPT on the map. My only complaint (and this goes for literally every hip hop album from the 90s) are those unnecessary sex skits. Like man, I don't need to hear MD Dre dicking down some baddie.
So fucking fruity 💅
2.5/5. These folk cunts went country and it ended up being kinda shite, plus no David Crosby.
I honestly don’t care man, maybe I’m just bitter because I’ve been getting duds after duds.
3.5/5. Method Man kinda lit cos of his beefs with Wendy Williams and Diddy.
So powerful and emotionally resonate, most times depressing. It’s an underrated gem and showcases the Boss’ songwriting on full display. Big influence on lo-if and indie rock too, he recorded the whole thing in his bedroom using a four track! Reading shit like Howard Zinn and listening to Frankie Teardrop really put Springsteen onto something, it’s an odyssey into the real lives of many working class Americans. My Father’s House never fails to make me tear up.
4.5/5. First few tracks are perfection. Just What I Needed might be one of my favourite love songs of all time. The lyrics, the riffs, the energy… Top shit.
3.5/5. One really good song among some okayish ones.
The beginning of an era but nothing ridiculously special about this album.
Imagine hearing these songs for the first time in some honky tonk.
3.5/5. It's vanilla music, the author of this book has such a thing for Elvis Costello.
4.5/5. So punk, fuck yeah Henry Rollins the man that you are.
3.5/5. Yapping Jack.
4.5/5. I'm gonna fucking kill you driving crooner!
4.5/5. Macca really loves his wife.
4.5/5. Elton John has been serving cunt for years, decades even. So much variety on this record, from mourning Marilyn to what’s become a Saturday night hockey anthem.
Sat in the dark and listened to this weird shit. I liked it.
Once signed a petition on Facebook urging to support radio stations to play the f slur version of Money for Nothing when I was in grade 8. Not my proudest moment and my friend mentions this to every person we meet.
4.5/5. Can’t believe Forrest Gump got to meet this dude.
Sure, why not?
4.5/5. I love you Robert Smith, the man that you are.
It’s the time of the season…
Up the Ra type music. Expanded version has so many bangers too.
My jr high crush loved this band.
3.5/5. No David Byrne, no thanks.
Robert Smith loved the Just Like Heaven cover.
Oh well, whatever, nevermind.
You love one Zappa album and hate the next.
4.5/5. Shake them hips white boi Elvis.
The 80s were sometimes cool when you had baddies like this running the show.
“We hit the trees 'til we look like Vietnamese people.”
I fw this.
Hell yeah, all it took for these bois to reach their fullest potential was to stop touring and quit being a boy band. Oh, and drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. Thanks Bobby Dylan.
4.5/5. This is so sick, DIY punk is fucking amazing. They capture the spirit perfectly.
4.5/5. Would’ve been a perfect score if it had Nazi Punks Fuck Off.